Academician Wu Zhaohui, the President of Zhejiang University, Will Congratulate the September 24, 2022 Event in honor of Madame Chien-Shiung Wu

Academician Wu Zhaohui
Among the more than 3000 Chinese institutes of higher learning, the C9 League Universities ( are regarded as the best. Among them, both Nanjing University in Nanjing city and Zhejiang University in Hanzhou city are members of this League.
With this as background, the organizers of the September 24, 2022 to honor one of the greatest female scientists of the 20th century, Madame Chien-Shiung Wu forum are truly excited that the President of Zhejiang University, Academician Wu Zhaohui (吴朝晖), who is a world renowned computer scientist, will send a recorded congratulatory message to the event.
9月9日浙江大学在回复北美浙江大学校友会大纽约分会信函表示:中国科学院院士、浙江大学校长吴朝晖教授将会以录像形式为定于9月24日在美国邮政总局会议中心, 由美国物理学会和和中国物理学会联合举办, 南京大学美国校友会承办的吴健雄女士诞辰110周年国际论坛致辞。祝愿论坛圆满成功。

About the C.S. Wu Global Forum
In order to commemorate Madame Chien Shiung Wu's 110 Anniversaries, Nanjing University Alumni Association United States (USAAUS) will host the first C.S. Wu Global Online Symposium, on September 24th, 2022. It welcomes scientists, teachers and students all over the world to join this open event.
The son of Madame C.S. Wu, Dr. Vincent Yuan, expressed his great pleasure in approving the NUAAUS to organize this commemorative event.
The U.S. Postal Service wrote to NUAAUS and authorized the use of Chien-shung Wu commemorative stamp to honor her as "one of the most influential nuclear physicists of the 20th century".