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President of Nanjing University, Academician Lyu Jian, Will Address C.S. Wu Event

President of Nanjing University, Academician Lyu Jian will address the 110th Birth Anniversary of Madame Chien-Shiung Wu

Professor Lyu Jian

Professor Lyu Jian, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and President of Nanjing University, will deliver a video speech at the said event which will be held on September 24 at the USPS Conference Center. The event is jointly organized by the American Physical Society and the Chinese Physical Society, and organized by the Nanjing University Alumni Association United States on the 110th birthyear of Madame Wu.

Madame Chien Shiung Wu entered the Department of Physics of National Central University in September 1930 and graduated in July, 1934. (The Department of Physics of National Central University was renamed the Department of Physics of National Nanjing University in 1949 and later the Department of Physics of Nanjing University in 1950. This lineage is continuous until the present. )

According to Nanjing University’s archives, which is the only institution that preserves Madame Wu’s original documents when she was a student at National Central University in China. The certified public statements of Madame Wu’s student status in National Central University shows:

Central University Student Registration Form

Madame Wu’s student registration number is 4290,

Her place of origin: Taicang City, Jiangsu Province, The age of entry: 20,

Before Enrolled: Graduated from Suzhou Women High School

Recommended by High School with exemption of entrance examination

Date enrolled: September, 1930

Graduated in July, 1934 Major: Physics

As the president of Madame Wu’s alma mater Nanjing University, it is particularly meaningful for Academician Lyu Jian to speak at this international forum commemorating the 110th birthyear anniversary of Madame Wu.


中国科学院院士、南京大学校长吕建教授将会在定于9月24日在美国邮政总局会议中心, 由美国物理学会和和中国物理学会联合举办, 南京大学美国校友会承办的吴健雄女士诞辰110周年国际论坛上发表录像致辞。

吴健雄女士1930年9月进入国立中央大学数学系后转物理系,1934年7月毕业于该系(国立中央大学物理系1949年改名为国立南京大学物理系, 1950年定名为南京大学物理系,名称 一直沿用至今)




吴健雄学籍注册号 4290 , 籍贯:江苏省太仓市 、入校年岁:20 ,苏州女子中学毕业,入校年月 民国十九年九月 (公历1930年9月), 入学试验成绩一栏:中学保送免试。

由于原学籍表没有性别一栏, 直接在学籍表上方手写“女”字标明学生的性别。右上角图章是物理系, 同时右边框民国廿三年7月(公元1934年7月)应是毕业的年份日期。

作为吴健雄女士母校南京大学的校长, 吕建院士将为纪念吴健雄女士诞辰110周年的国际论坛的发言就显得格外有意义。

注:(1)国立中央大学于1928年定名之前曾名为国立第四中山大学, 估计为了节省纸张, 在原来第四中山大学学籍表上加盖国立中央大学的图章。


About the C.S. Wu Global Forum

In order to commemorate Madame Chien Shiung Wu's 110 Anniversaries, Nanjing University Alumni Association United States (USAAUS) will host the first C.S. Wu Global Online Symposium, on September 24th, 2022. It welcomes scientists, teachers and students all over the world to join this open event.

The son of Madame C.S. Wu, Dr. Vincent Yuan, expressed his great pleasure in approving the NUAAUS to organize this commemorative event.

The U.S. Postal Service wrote to NUAAUS and authorized the use of Chien-shung Wu commemorative stamp to honor her as "one of the most influential nuclear physicists of the 20th century".

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