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Jeannette Wing will Speak In Honor Of Madame Chien-Shiung Wu


Jeannette Wing, Executive Vice President for Research of Columbia University will speak at the event in honor of Professor and Madame Chien-Shiung Wu on September 24 in Washington D. C.

Dr. Jeannette Wing

Dr. Jeannette Wing, a world-renowned computer scientist, will be speaking at the event organized by Nanjing University Alumni Association United States (NUAAUS) to honor the late Professor and Madame Chien-Shiung Wu. Dr. Wing is currently Executive Vice President for Research and Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University.

Madame Wu joined the Department of Physics of Columbia University in 1945, where she was one of the most influential nuclear physicists, and remained there for the rest of her exceptionally luminous career.

Professor Jeannette M. Wing is a leader in computer science. According to Columbia University’s website

“[Her] research contributions have been in the areas of trustworthy AI, security and privacy, specification and verification, concurrent and distributed systems, programming languages, and software engineering. Her 2006 seminal essay, titled `Computational Thinking,’ is credited with helping to establish the centrality of computer science to problem-solving in fields where previously it had not been embraced, and thereby influencing K-12 and university curricula worldwide.”

As commented by Chengning Zhang, President of NUAAUS, “The presence of Dr. Wing is especially meaningful for this important event. Not only is Dr. Wing herself an internationally renowned Asian scientist, she also represents Columbia University, the professional home of Madame Wu and an institution Madame Wu loved and served with distinction for over half a century!”

About the C.S. Wu Global Forum

In order to commemorate Madame Chien Shiung Wu's 110 Anniversaries, Nanjing University Alumni Association United States (USAAUS) will host the first C.S. Wu Global Online Symposium, on September 24th, 2022. It welcomes scientists, teachers and students all over the world to join this open event.

The son of Madame C.S. Wu, Dr. Vincent Yuan, expressed his great pleasure in approving the NUAAUS to organize this commemorative event.

The U.S. Postal Service wrote to NUAAUS and authorized the use of Chien-shung Wu commemorative stamp to honor her as "one of the most influential nuclear physicists of the 20th century".

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