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Dr. Gao will be speaking at the C.S. Wu's Symposium


Updated: Jul 1, 2022

Dr. Haiyan Gao, the Associate Laboratory Director for Nuclear and Particle Physics at the Brookhaven National Laboratory will speak at the September 17th Forum in Honor of Madame Chien-Shiung Wu.

美国三大国家基础科学实验室之一的布鲁克海文国家实验室核与粒子物理实验室副主任高海燕博士将在 2022 年 9 月 24 日举办的纪念吴健雄诞辰110周年国际学术论坛上发言

Dr. Haiyan Gao

Dr. Haiyan Gao will be one of the distinguished speakers in a forthcoming virtual event on September 24, 2022 at 9:00 am (EDT). The event sponsored by the 20,000 members of the Nanjing University Alumni Association United States (NUAAUS) is organizing to honor one of the truly outstanding Nanjing University graduates, Madame Chien Shiung Wu.

A graduate of Tsinghua University and the California Institute of Technology, Dr. Gao is a highly accomplished nuclear physicist. She was elected as the Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2007, with the byline “For her extensive contributions to understanding the quark/hadron transition region and for determinations of the nucleon electromagnetic form factors.”

Presently, Dr. Gao is the Associate Laboratory Director of Brookhaven National Laboratory for Nuclear and Particle Physics. Concurrently, she also holds the Henry W. Newson Distinguished Professor of Physics of Duke University, which she was appointed since 2012. Between 2015 to 2019, she was the Vice Chancellor of Duke Kunshan University in China.

“I am truly honored to have the opportunity to say something in an event to honor Madame Wu. Madame Wu has been my role model since I was a child,” exclaimed Dr. Gao.

About the C.S. Wu Global Forum

In order to commemorate Madame Chien Shiung Wu's 110 Anniversaries, Nanjing University Alumni Association United States (USAAUS) will host the first C.S. Wu Global Online Symposium, on September 24th, 2022. It welcomes scientists, teachers and students all over the world to join this open event.

The son of Madame C.S. Wu, Dr. Vincent Yuan, expressed his great pleasure in approving the NUAAUS to organize this commemorative event.

The U.S. Postal Service wrote to NUAAUS and authorized the use of Chien-shung Wu commemorative stamp to honor her as "one of the most influential nuclear physicists of the 20th century".

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